My Community Calendar

Thursday, November 18

fake_cal My Community Calendar
Thursday, November 18
Time: 7:00am - 8:00am
Location: GoToWebinar
Event: Webinar: Is a Private Online Network Right for Your Organization?

Social networks help you to connect to your members, prospective  members, staff, donors, and other constituents. Facebook, Twitter,  and YouTube are popular and valuable to your organization but they  can limit your online community’s possibilities. Learn about the  advantages a private social network can provide to your  organization, as well as the advantages your participants will  derive from such a community.

Sign up here:

For a full list of ASI sponsored webinars:

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm
Location: GoToWebinar
Event: Webinar: Is a Private Online Network Right for Your Organization?

Social networks help you to connect to your members, prospective  members, staff, donors, and other constituents. Facebook, Twitter,  and YouTube are popular and valuable to your organization but they  can limit your online community’s possibilities. Learn about the  advantages a private social network can provide to your  organization, as well as the advantages your participants will  derive from such a community.

Sign up here:

For a full list of ASI sponsored webinars:

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Dale John McGrewDale John McGrew, 1st GradeEva KonigsbergEva Konigsberg, 1st GradeJill TempletonJill Templeton, 1st GradeJoe EvansJoe EvansJohn TempletonJohn Templeton, 3rd GradeJulia VcherashnyJulia Vcherashny, BabySarah GolightlySarah Golightly, 4 years oldTristan NaramoreTristan Naramore