My Community Calendar

Friday, April 9

fake_cal My Community Calendar
Friday, April 9
Time: All day event
Location: Omni Hotel at CNN Center
Event: Booth at NTEN conference in Atlanta

NTEN and the Georgia Center for Nonprofits will come together to provide a meeting ground to draw on the expertise and commitment of the nonprofit community.

Come visit the GoLightly booth

Check for more conference details.

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Dale John McGrewDale John McGrew, 1st GradeEva KonigsbergEva Konigsberg, 1st GradeJill TempletonJill Templeton, 1st GradeJoe EvansJoe EvansJohn TempletonJohn Templeton, 3rd GradeJulia VcherashnyJulia Vcherashny, BabySarah GolightlySarah Golightly, 4 years oldTristan NaramoreTristan Naramore